It’s natural that women's reproductive system is created to produce and maintain different PH levels throughout their monthly cycle. It is noted that women's uterus remains more acidic during most time of the monthly cycle and is very beneficial for killing off harmful bacteria and avoiding infections.
This acidic environment is created by healthy bacteria that produce lactic acid and control the vaginal ecosystem at pH 4.5. But this acidic environment is a big problem for sperms. Sperms require an alkaline media to survive more in the vagina and swim more easily to fertilize the egg. To counter this problem, the women's body produces cervical mucus naturally during the ovulation period which maintains the vaginal pH level to 7 and creates a molecular pathway for the sperms to swim through to approach the egg waiting in the fallopian tube.
In the light of the above theory, doctors reasoned that if women consume more alkaline foods about three to four-month before pregnancy or wash its vagina with alkaline fluids like baking soda water before intercourse, it will create an alkaline atmosphere in the uterus, will help the Y carrying sperm and there will be more chances of male baby pregnancy. On the other hand, if someone wishes a baby girl, she should take more acidic foods in her daily diet.