Alternate Ovaries Define the Gender of The Baby; Boy OR Girl
Similar to Right choice and Urobiologics, experts of the fields understand that if the egg is released from the right ovary and pregnancy occurs in the same menstrual cycle, the gender of the born baby will be a boy. On the other hand, an egg produced from the left ovary will lead to female baby pregnancy. However, the theory has only the opinion and estimation of some professionals and has no proven evidence.
Alternate Ovaries Define the Gender of The Baby; Boy OR Girl
We know that every woman has two ovaries, one on the right side of the uterus and the second on the left side. The ovaries have two main functions in the body. The first function is to produce and release eggs into the female reproductive tract system in the middle of each menstrual cycle for fertilization. The second major function is to produce and regulate the hormone estrogen and progesterone responsible to prepare the lining of the womb for pregnancy and the implantation of the fertilized embryo.
Normally, only a single egg from one ovary is produced and released during each period cycle. Both ovaries produce and release an egg alternatively during the alternate menstrual cycle. If the right side ovary releases the egg during the one-month menstrual cycle, then on the next menstrual cycle left ovary will produce and release the egg.
The symptoms during the egg release from the ovary to fallopian tube include light pelvic pain and tender breast; during ovulation, if these signs found in the right side of the body, it's mean that the egg is coming from the right side ovary, symptoms on the left side of the body is the indicator that egg will be released from the left ovary.