According to this theory, the specialists claimed that male has two types of sperms, X carrying chromosome sperm and Y carrying chromosome sperm. The Y-bearing chromosome sperm are thin, lighter in weight, and can swim fast than X-bearing chromosome sperm, which are a little large, have more weight, and move slowly. Some biologists also believe that Y chromosome sperm have a shorter life span than X chromosome sperm. The sperm can be live in the uterus for up to a maximum of five days. Similarly, the female egg has about a 48-hour life span.
Different studies have been conducted all around the world to determine the relationship between ovulation days and intercourse timing affecting the pregnancy and gender of the baby as the result of these pregnancies. The experts found mixed results and different reviews but most of the biologists are agreed that ovulation days and sex timing have a close relation.
If the menstrual cycle is normal i.e. of 28 days then ovulation will start on the 14th or 15th day and fertile days for pregnancy will be 12, 13, 14, and 15. Similarly, if the menstrual cycle is irregular then the average of three months cycle days divided by two will be the ovulation day, and three days before the ovulation date will be considered the most fertile days. A few days before ovulation, a slippery and egg white mucus discharge is a sign that ovulation is about to happen. It’s the best time to have intercourse for getting pregnant, as the sperm can swim more easily in this vaginal mucus.
On the basis of these biological facts, Experts explain that if intercourse timing is near the ovulation days or on the day egg shifted from ovary to fallopian tube, there are more chances that Y sperm will be healthy, will win the race and in the result, baby boy will be conceived. On the other hand, If intercourse timing is four to five days before the egg delivery, X carrying sperm will dominate the Y bearing sperm, and chances of baby girl pregnancy will be increased.