Sperm Sorting Technology or Microsort Method
Sperm sorting technology (Microsort method) is a procedure in which the X-bearing chromosome and Y-bearing chromosome of the semen sample is separated to get the desired gender of the upcoming baby either boy or girl.
Scientists consider and believe that large X chromosomes have more DNA up to 2.8% as compared to the tiny Y chromosome. In this procedure, a semen or sperm sample is collected from a Donor or father and treated with a fluorescent dye that attaches to DNA and glows in laser light. Under this laser light sperm having more DNA glows more brightly than sperms having less DNA, i.e X chromosome DNA will glow more brightly than Y chromosome DNA. This difference of brightness will be sufficient for distinguishing two types of sperm under detector laser light.
These identified sperms are then passed through a very narrow tube with a limited diameter which allows only one sperm cell to be passed at a time. When sperm move through this special tube, are illuminated by laser light. An automated sperm sorter system automatically detects the sperm DNA brightness and sends the X sperm cells down in one tube and Y sperm cells in another.
Studies show that after the separation of X and Y sperms cells, Tube having X sperms cells have 91% X and 9% Y sperms cells, while Y sperm cells Tube has 74% Y sperm and 26% X sperm. It's means that results for getting the desired gender baby is not foolproof but have higher success chances, especially of the girl as compared to Boy.
In the IUI procedure results can be different but in the IVF procedure 100% results can be achieved by examining the fertilized embryo chromosome in the laboratory and after confirmation, only the required embryo will be transferred to the uterus of the woman. These procedures are to be used only for family balance purposes, to avoid genetic diseases, or in circumstances required necessary for some reason. Ethically, it should not be allowed in normal situations, because widespread gender selection can lead to gender imbalance in society and cause social problems.