7 Ways to Make a Conversation With Anyone | Malavika Varadan

7 Ways to Effortlessly Connect with Anyone

The Power of Conversation

Conversations are the building blocks of human connection. Every time we talk to a stranger, a new link is formed, and with each subsequent interaction, that link grows stronger. Imagine a vast World Wide Web of conversation, woven together by the countless interactions we have every day - with the grocery clerk, the cab driver, the receptionist at a new office. These conversations define us as a species, shaping our perspectives and forging bonds that transcend the boundaries of familiarity.

Overcoming the Fear of Talking to Strangers

We've been told our whole lives to "not talk to strangers," but Malavika Varadan, a seasoned radio presenter, begs to differ. She sees every stranger as an opportunity - an opportunity to learn something new, to experience something unfamil't, to hear a story that has never been told before. The key, she says, is to simply take that first step and say the first word.

Step 1: Say the First Word

The hardest part is often just getting started. Varadan encourages us to embrace the "first word floodgates" - once you've said that initial "Hi," "Hey," or "Hello," the rest of the conversation will flow naturally. Greet the person with enthusiasm, positivity, and a big smile, and you'll be well on your way to an engaging exchange.

Step 2: Skip the Small Talk

Time is of the essence, especially in the fast-paced world of radio. Varadan learned that the key to making a lasting impression in just 20 minutes is to skip the mundane "How are you?" and "What's new?" and instead ask a personal, thought-provoking question. Inquire about the origin of their name, their first impressions of the city, or where their family is from. These types of questions open the door to unique, memorable conversations.

Step 3: Find the "Me Too"s

Nothing kills a conversation faster than negativity. When meeting someone for the first time, make an effort to find common ground - anything from your shared location to a mutual love of the changing seasons. By starting from a point of agreement, you instantly create a sense of camaraderie, and the conversation becomes much easier to navigate.

Step 4: Pay a Unique Compliment

Varadan believes that people will forget what you say, but they'll never forget how you made them feel. Instead of defaulting to generic compliments like "You're beautiful" or "That's awesome," craft a unique, genuine praise that highlights something special about the individual. Compliments that focus on their smile, their energy, or their personality will leave a lasting impression.

Step 5: Ask for an Opinion

Everyone has opinions, and everyone wants to be heard. By asking for someone's thoughts on a simple, non-intimidating topic, you open the door to a two-way dialogue. Avoid subjects that feel like a test, and instead inquire about their coffee preferences, their movie tastes, or their impressions of the weather. The key is to listen intently, not just to formulate a response.

Step 6: Be Present

In our digital-centric world, it's all too easy to be physically present but mentally absent. When someone is trying to communicate with you, make the effort to be fully engaged. Maintain eye contact, put away your phone, and resist the urge to multitask. By being wholeheartedly present, you'll create a deeper, more meaningful connection.

Step 7: Remember the Details

Varadan's favorite trick is the classic "name, place, animal, thing" game. Remember the small details about a person - their name, the places they've been, their pet's name, their favorite things. By showing a genuine interest in these personal tidbits, you'll make the other person feel valued and invested in the conversation.

Unlock the Stories Within

Varadan eloquently likens a conversation to reading a book - you can flip to any page, linger on your favorite chapter, or dive into a completely new story. Each person you meet is a rich, complex narrative waiting to be explored. Rather than skimming the surface with superficial interactions, she encourages us to reach out, open the pages, and immerse ourselves in the full breadth of the human experience. By embracing the power of conversation, we can forge deeper connections, expand our horizons, and celebrate the diversity that makes us all unique.