7 Underrated Habits for a Better Life (and 7 Overrated Habits Too)

The Overrated and Underrated: A Game of Opinions

Are These Popular Practices Overrated or Underrated?


In today's blog, we're going to play a game of overrated or underrated. We'll be discussing various practices that are often recommended by influencers, authors, and scientists to enhance happiness and productivity. This game will provide insights into whether these practices truly live up to the hype or if they are overrated. So, let's dive in!

Goals: Overrated or Underrated?

When it comes to goals, they can be both valuable and overrated. While goals can provide motivation and direction, people often become too attached to the end result rather than focusing on the process and self-improvement. The value of a goal lies in the actions it inspires, such as exercising, eating better, and taking care of oneself. It's important to be flexible and adapt goals as new information arises. Quitting a goal that no longer serves you is a sign of growth and self-awareness.

Self-Care: It Depends

The concept of self-care is important, but it's often misunderstood and misrepresented. Self-care should involve carving out time to take care of oneself, set boundaries, and recharge. However, it has been commercialized and portrayed as self-indulgence, such as spa weekends or extravagant trips. True self-care involves doing things that are good for oneself, even if they are not always enjoyable. It's about prioritizing activities that contribute to overall well-being, such as paying bills, maintaining a routine, and taking care of one's physical and mental health.

Romance: Overrated

Romance is often overrated, especially when it comes to relationship advice. While romance can be nice, it is not the foundation of a healthy and thriving relationship. People often mistake romance for love itself and prioritize it over essential aspects like respect and trust. Romance can even be present in toxic relationships, where emotional ups and downs create a false sense of passion. It's crucial to understand that romance is not a substitute for a strong and healthy relationship.

Friendship: Underrated

Friendship is highly underrated in our society, and it's time we start giving it the recognition it deserves. Studies have shown that social isolation is as detrimental to health as smoking 15 cigarettes a day. While romantic relationships are often emphasized, friendships play a vital role in our well-being. Having meaningful connections with friends can contribute to happiness, mental health, and overall life satisfaction. It's crucial to nurture and appreciate the friendships we have and prioritize them in our lives.

Therapy: It Depends

Therapy is a powerful intervention that can have a significant positive impact on mental health. However, its effectiveness depends on various factors, such as the quality of the therapist and the individual's personal relationship with them. The therapeutic approach or modality is not as important as the therapist's ability to listen, ask relevant questions, and provide a nonjudgmental space. Research has shown that the best therapists can produce ten times the outcomes of an average therapist. It's essential to find a therapist who specializes in your specific needs and with whom you feel a good connection.

Purpose: It Depends

Finding purpose in life can be both crucial and overrated. While having a sense of purpose brings meaning and fulfillment, it's important to recognize that not everything in life needs to feel purposeful all the time. We can't expect every aspect of our lives to be meaningful and purpose-driven. Sometimes, we have to do mundane tasks or face challenges that may not align with our ultimate purpose. It's essential to strike a balance between pursuing purpose and accepting the less exciting aspects of life.

Dancing and Music: Underrated

Dancing and music are highly underrated practices that can have a significant positive impact on our well-being. Engaging in dancing or simply putting on a good song can instantly elevate our mood and bring joy. Research has shown that physical activity, including dancing, can be as effective as pharmaceutical interventions for mental well-being. Music has also been proven to enhance focus, happiness, and even help with symptoms of ADHD. These practices are easily accessible, free, and can be enjoyed by anyone.

Politics: Overrated

Politics, while significant, is often overrated in terms of its impact on our lives and well-being. It creates unrealistic expectations and often leads to frustration and disappointment. The complexity and nuance of societal issues are often overlooked in political discourse. Engaging in politics can be like watching reality TV, where people get caught up in the drama rather than focusing on practical solutions. It's crucial to revise our expectations and recognize the limitations of politics in achieving personal fulfillment and connection.

Journaling: Properly Rated

Journaling is a practice that is properly rated and widely recognized for its benefits. It provides a safe and effective way to express thoughts and emotions, gain clarity, and track personal growth. Journaling allows us to reflect on our experiences, set goals, and gain insights into our lives. While there are various journaling approaches, the most valuable ones are those that encourage self-reflection, ask thought-provoking questions, and promote personal growth. Journaling is a powerful tool for self-discovery and self-improvement.

Psychedelics: Depends

Psychedelics are both fascinating and controversial. While research has shown promising results in therapeutic settings for individuals with severe mental health issues, the recreational use of psychedelics is not without risks. It's crucial to differentiate between controlled clinical trials and casual use. The therapeutic benefits of psychedelics are specific to individuals with deep-seated mental health issues, and the studies are conducted by trained professionals. Recreational use without proper guidance and medical supervision can be unpredictable and potentially harmful. It's important to approach psychedelics with caution and respect for their potential risks and benefits.


In this game of overrated or underrated, we explored various practices and their true value. It's important to approach each practice with an open mind, considering the research, personal experiences, and individual needs. While some practices may be overrated or underrated in general, their effectiveness can vary depending on the context and individual circumstances. Ultimately, it's up to each person to decide which practices resonate with them and contribute to their overall well-being and happiness.