Internet will NEVER be the Same Again! | Rise of AI Videos | Dhruv Rathee

 The Rise of AI-Generated Videos


Technology has advanced to an unimaginable level, paving the way for groundbreaking innovations. In this blog, we will explore the fascinating world of AI-generated videos and its impact on various industries. You'll be amazed to learn that what you see on your screen may not be real at all but a product of Artificial Intelligence. Let's dive in!

Unveiling Sora AI

Sora AI, developed by OpenAI, is an extraordinary Artificial Intelligence software that has revolutionized the field of video creation. It follows in the footsteps of ChatGPT and DALL-E, two other remarkable AI platforms from OpenAI. With Sora AI, you can generate stunning videos just by providing a simple text prompt. No camera or physical setup required! The possibilities are endless.

Text-to-Video, Photo-to-Video, and Video-to-Video

Sora AI not only excels in text-to-video generation but also in photo-to-video and video-to-video conversions. Whether you want a video of a person reading a book on a cloud or to change the environment of an existing video, Sora AI can do it all. Its ability to understand motion, emotions, and even the smallest details like the movement of snow on an animal's head is truly remarkable.

The Transformation of Industries

The impact of Sora AI on various industries cannot be overstated. Traditional roles such as animators, video game designers, and graphic designers may become redundant as AI takes over. Stock photo and video platforms will face significant disruptions. Even the film industry will undergo a massive transformation, as entire movies can be created using AI. Joe Russo, the director of the Avengers films, predicts that AI will be capable of producing complete films within just two years.

The Job Market and Democratization

While AI-generated videos offer numerous opportunities, they also pose challenges to job markets globally. Roles related to film and video production, advertising, and marketing are particularly at risk. However, this technology also brings positive changes. Industries that were previously inaccessible to many people will become more democratized. Anyone with a creative vision can now showcase their talent using Sora AI. The barriers to entry will be significantly reduced.

Adapting to the Changing World

It is crucial for individuals and governments to adapt to this rapidly changing world. Singapore, for example, has already taken proactive steps by launching subsidies for individuals above the age of 40 to pursue further education. The government recognizes the need to upskill and stay relevant as technology rapidly evolves. Whether we like it or not, AI cannot be ignored, and those who learn to adapt will reap the benefits.

Addressing Ethical Concerns

As AI-generated videos become increasingly realistic, ethical concerns arise. The spread of fake news and the potential for election interference are significant issues. OpenAI acknowledges these concerns and plans to add watermarks to AI-generated videos to differentiate them from real ones. However, technological solutions to identify AI-generated content are still in development.


AI-generated videos have opened up a new realm of possibilities while presenting challenges to various industries. As with any rapidly advancing technology, it is essential to adapt and stay informed. Sora AI, alongside other AI tools like ChatGPT, Midjourney, DALL-E, and Stable Diffusion, is shaping the future. The journey has just begun, and it's an exciting time to be part of this transformative era. Embrace the change, learn, and explore the boundless opportunities that AI has to offer.