How to Get Ahead of 99% of People (Starting Today)

Why Extreme Success May Not Be What You Really Want


When it comes to achieving success, there is a common belief that following certain routines or productivity hacks will set you apart from the majority. However, the truth is that true success goes far beyond mere execution or following popular trends. In this blog, we will explore why extreme success may not be what you really want and why it's important to define your own definition of success. Let's dive in!

The Fallacy of Conventional Wisdom

Many people believe that by following certain goals, being disciplined, and eliminating distractions, they can achieve more success than 99% of the population. However, this is nothing more than a myth perpetuated by countless videos and self-help gurus. The reality is that setting goals, being disciplined, and eliminating distractions are actions that many people already take. To truly stand out and achieve extreme success, you need to do what the majority of people are not willing to do.

The Key to Extreme Success

If you truly want to surpass 99% of the population in terms of success, there are three key elements you need to consider:

  1. Contrarian Thinking
  2. Being Correct
  3. Massive Action

1. Contrarian Thinking

Most people tend to follow the crowd and agree with whatever is considered popular at the time. However, those who achieve extreme success are willing to think for themselves and challenge conventional wisdom. They propose ideas that are contrary to popular belief and are not afraid to adhere to unconventional theories. This is the first step towards standing out from the crowd.

2. Being Correct

While many may have contrarian ideas, the majority of these ideas are incorrect. Achieving extreme success requires not only going against the grain but also being right. It is crucial to challenge widely held assumptions and identify opportunities that others overlook. Only by being correct in your contrarian thinking can you set yourself up for unparalleled success.

3. Massive Action

Having contrarian ideas and being correct is not enough. To truly achieve extreme success, you must be willing to take massive action. This means putting yourself on the line and fully committing to your ideas. While execution is important, it is not the determining factor of success. Rather, it is the combination of contrarian thinking, correctness, and massive action that propels individuals to extraordinary heights.

The Role of Execution in Success

While execution is often emphasized when discussing success, it is not the sole determinant of one's achievements. Many successful individuals did not follow the typical routines or productivity hacks that are often touted as the keys to success. For instance, Steve Jobs believed in the widespread adoption of computers before it became a mainstream belief. Warren Buffett made counterintuitive investment decisions that went against popular opinion. These examples illustrate that true success stems from having the right ideas and the willingness to stick with them, rather than simply following popular advice.

The Limitations of Extreme Success

While extreme success may be appealing to some, it is important to consider the downsides before pursuing it wholeheartedly. Here are a few reasons why extreme success may not be what you really want:

1. Lack of Approval

When you go against the grain and pursue extreme success, you may face skepticism and disapproval from others. People are often resistant to change and may not understand or support your unconventional ideas. This lack of approval can be challenging to deal with, especially if you seek validation from those around you.

2. The Risk of Being Incorrect

Many contrarian ideas are contrarian for a reason - they are simply incorrect. Pursuing extreme success often means taking risks and venturing into uncharted territory. While some contrarian ideas may lead to success, many others may result in failure. It's important to acknowledge that being contrarian carries the risk of being wrong.

3. The Illusion of Happiness

Extreme success does not guarantee happiness. In fact, success often amplifies existing emotions and characteristics. If you are already angry or depressed, success will likely intensify these negative emotions. On the other hand, if you have strong relationships and a positive mindset, success can enhance these aspects of your life. It's important to recognize that happiness should not be solely tied to extreme success.

Defining Your Own Success

Rather than striving for extreme success, it is essential to define your own version of success. Ask yourself why you want to achieve more than 99% of the population. By understanding your motivations and aligning them with your personal values, you can pursue a path that truly resonates with you. Success should be about fulfilling your own aspirations, not chasing arbitrary benchmarks set by others.


While achieving extreme success may seem appealing, it is important to critically examine its implications. True success goes beyond following popular routines or hacks. It requires contrarian thinking, correctness, and massive action. However, extreme success may not bring the validation or happiness that you seek. Instead, focus on defining your own version of success and pursuing a path that aligns with your values and aspirations. Remember, success is not one-size-fits-all, and it's up to you to determine what truly matters in your own life.