The Ultimate Guide to Nikola Tesla's Divine Code


Unlocking the Secrets of the Universe with the 369 Method

Are you ready for the Ultimate Guide to Nikola Tesla's Divine code? Brace yourself because we're about to dive into one of the most powerful manifestation tools in the entire universe. And guess what? Nikola Tesla himself claimed that this method holds the keys to the universe. Now let me ask you something. Have you ever wondered how you could unlock the secrets of the universe and create the life you truly desire? Well, my friend, the answer lies within the 369 method. But hold on a second, what is this 369 Method All About? Watch this video till the end to understand this 32nd 369 technique used by Tesla himself.

The Language of Mathematics

Galileo once said that the book of nature is written in the language of mathematics. What if the Divine code of the universe is veiled within the magical sequence of numbers 3, 6, and 9? Tesla firmly stated that if you truly understood the greatness of the numbers 3, 6, and 9, you would possess the Ultimate key to unlock the mysteries of the universe. His fascination for this secret was so intense that he would purposefully walk around the block three times before entering a building. Even when washing his dishes, he would meticulously use exactly 18 napkins, a number that can be divided equally by the holy Trio: nine, six, and three. Furthermore, he would adamantly request hotel rooms with numbers divisible by three. But wait, the most interesting thing is that as Tesla neared the end of his life, he wandered through the corridors of humble hotels and eventually passed away in room 3327.

However, let me share the ultimate truth with you. Tesla was not a peculiar person consumed by a random obsession with numbers. Time Magazine celebrated him as the man who brought light to the world. He gifted us with alternating current (AC), the induction motor, and the Tesla coil. Additionally, he laid the groundwork for concepts that others built upon, such as x-rays, neon lights, remote controls, radio, and hyper-electric power plants. And pay close attention, for this video will outshine any you've seen before on Tesla's amazing 369 manifestation technique.

The Mystery of Vortex Math

But before I reveal this mighty secret, let me summarize the valuable insights I've gathered into four significant ideas that span both scientific and human history.

First, let's uncover the mystery of Vortex math. Now, I won't go into a long exhaustive discussion about this, but it's important to mention that renowned scientist Marco Rodin suggested something fascinating. He proposed that the numbers 3, 6, and 9 represent a special connection between the third and fourth dimensions. In the third dimension, these special frequencies of 3, 6, and 9 show up as vibrations in the tiny world of atoms, which we call the fourth dimension. They bring together the energetic force, giving it incredible power in our everyday world. When we examine atoms, we find that they adhere to the Divine code of 369. An astonishing 99.999% of an atom is empty space, with the number nine playing a significant role. This aligns with the concept of a vector field extending from the third to the fourth dimension.

The Correlation with Time

The second reason lies in the correlation between 3, 6, and 9 and the concept of time. Time can be divided into three scientific terms: past, present, and future. Furthermore, we have 24 hours in a day, which sums up to six. Likewise, 60 minutes in an hour equals six when added together. The same holds true for the 60 seconds in a minute. Lastly, the presence of Threes extends throughout human history. Consider the concept of the Trinity: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. Tesla was fixated on the Trinity of energy, frequency, and vibration, believing they held the key to everything. As he wisely said, "If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration." These three elements make up the holy trifecta.

The 369 Manifestation Technique

So let's begin the technique. Step number one: choose three affirmations that you want to bring into your life. It could be something like, "I'm excited and grateful to earn ten thousand dollars a month," or "I'm overjoyed and grateful to have found my soulmate." Perhaps it's about healing your health and being in perfect fitness, or landing that promotion and becoming the top salesperson in your company. Whatever it is, be crystal clear and write it down.

Moving on to step number two: review your affirmations six times a day. Yes, you heard me right, six times a day. But hold on, I want to provide you with the full context so you understand the immense power at play. These three affirmations hold the potential to materialize, even though you may not see it yet. They exist within the quantum field, as Vortex math reveals. By speaking them into existence and reviewing them for just nine seconds each time, you activate their energy, frequency, and vibration. Here's how you do it:

  • Take one of your affirmations, like "I'm thrilled to make ten thousand dollars a month," and review it for nine seconds.
  • But don't just read the words; embrace the energy and excitement of earning that amount. Say it out loud as if you've already achieved it. Imagine yourself celebrating the accomplishment.
  • Repeat this process for each affirmation, six times a day, for nine seconds each, to immerse yourself in their energy, frequency, and vibration.

To make things easier, I recommend organizing this practice into sets of nine days. Stick your affirmations on your mirror, put them on your wall, or carry them on index cards in your pocket. This way, you'll always have them handy and can quickly review them. Commit to the nine-second ritual for nine days straight and watch what unfolds before your eyes. This technique is scientifically proven. The energy you desire is already present in the quantum field, or the fourth dimension. It's just waiting for you to tap into it, and this technique is the quickest and simplest way to make that connection. You'll witness results in nine days or even sooner.

Thank you all for tuning in and joining me on this incredible exploration of Tesla's wisdom and the secrets of the universe. As Tesla emphasized, the Trinity of energy, frequency, and vibration holds extraordinary power. Now it's time to take action and manifest your desires. This technique is rooted in science. As energy is never created or destroyed, it already exists in the quantum field, waiting for you to tap into it. So, my friends, embrace the Trinity of energy, frequency, and vibration. Step into your power as a conscious creator and unleash the limitless potential within you. Remember, you have the ability to shape your reality. Keep believing in the power of your affirmations and stay open to receiving the blessings that await you. Until next time, keep vibrating at your highest frequency and manifest your dreams. You've got this!