A “How-to” guide for tracking of cervical mucus during ovulation and the menstrual cycle.

Cervical Mucus Monitoring

A step-by-step approach to keeping track of cervical mucus during the menstrual cycle.


Time to Conceive does not necessitate cervical mucus monitoring. We believed the following information would be useful to you. It is critical for people who wish to track cervical mucus to do it on a regular basis. The much more fertile kind of cervical dilation should be documented if different kinds of mucus are seen during the day.


    Spotting Cervical Mucus

         #periodproblems #justissemethod #cervicalfluid #quitthepill #periodpositive #infertility #ovulationmatters #tryingtoconceive #naturalliving #womenshormones #healthyhormones #periodpower #womenswellness #ttcsupport #naturalcontraception #fertilitycharting #ovulationtracking #betterhormones #cyclecharting #chartyourcycle #tempdrop #mucus #ttcjourney #bodypositive #fertilitytracking #ttcsisters #cycletracking #tta #fertilityawarenesseducator #pcos

    • Appearance: Most women notice cervical mucous on toilet paper after wiping, although finger probing is possible. Take the mucus from the tissue and examine it between the thumb and index finger to do fingertip testing. Cervical mucus must be examined for color, texture, and viscosity.


    • Sensation: Take note of the feelings observed at the vaginal opening to assess the feelings caused by the vaginal secretions. Dry, moist, and wet/slippery are the three types.


    • Fertile Window: Type 1 and Type 2 vaginal fluids are linked to the start of menstruation and reduced fertility. Transformational fluid, also known as Type 3 cervical mucus, would signal that you will be approaching the fertile window. The fluid of type 4 indicates the most fertile period of the phase. Having sexual relations during this time will almost certainly boost your chances of becoming pregnant. According to many studies, the optimum likelihood of conception is when intercourse happens on the day close to ovulation and Type 4 vaginal fluid is present.


    Kinds of Cervical Mucus


    Type 1– has the least fertility rate.


    • Appearance: naught visible.
    • Sensation: scratchy, harsh, and irritating, or no feelings at all.


    Type 2– is defined as a lack of fertility.


    • Appearance: nothing is observable.
    • The sensation is soggy.


    Type 3– is characterized by a level of fertility that is somewhere in the middle.


    • Fluid is dense, creamy, white, yellowish, non-stretchy/elastic and sticky in appearance.
    • The sensation is wet.

    #cervicalmucus #fertilityawareness #fertilityawarenessmethod #ovulation #fertility #bodyliteracy #naturalbirthcontrol #symptothermalmethod #birthcontrol #menstrualcycle #basalbodytemperature #womenshealth #ditchthepill #menstruation #fam #bbt #naturalfamilyplanning #ttc #hormones #nfp #holistichealth #fabm #pregnancy #period #justisse #thepill #periods #tcoyf #menstruationmatters #bhfyp


    Type 4– Cervical mucus has been categorized as high levels of fertility.


    • Appearance: mucus is clear, similar to raw egg white, moisture-wicking, runny, fluid, or reddish in look.
    • Wet, slick, and velvety texture.

    #periodproblems #justissemethod #cervicalfluid #quitthepill #periodpositive #infertility #ovulationmatters #tryingtoconceive #naturalliving #womenshormones #healthyhormones #periodpower #womenswellness #ttcsupport #naturalcontraception #fertilitycharting #ovulationtracking #betterhormones #cyclecharting #chartyourcycle #tempdrop #mucus #ttcjourney #bodypositive #fertilitytracking #ttcsisters #cycletracking #tta #fertilityawarenesseducator #pcos


    More Types of Fluids


    When tracking cervical mucus, it's essential to be aware of various fluids produced by both men and women.


    Arousal Fluid


    Arousal fluid is caused by glands inside and outside the vagina in relation to sexual excitement in an attempt to moisten the vagina for the probability of sexual activity. Transparent, wet, damp, and silky are the features of arousal fluid. Arousal fluid, unlike vaginal dilation, evaporates quickly.


    Semen Fluid


    At the time of sexual relations, sperm and some other secretions are discharged from the men's semen fluid. The seminal fluid gets highly watery about a half-hour after sexual activity. Seminal fluid lingers in the vaginal canal for more time than arousal fluid;
    However, by 12-14 hours following intercourse, the majority of the seminal fluid should've just passed through the vaginal canal.
    You need to have one of two options if you're not sure if you're feeling cervical mucus or any other secretion:
    1. Allow for it to go away (i.e one hour for arousal fluid and 14-16 hours for seminal fluid)
    2. Keep track of it, being particular to note any instances of intercourse or sexual relations.


    Menstruation Cycle Blood


    Cervical mucus feelings and visual presence are hard to identify when menstrual bleeding is present. A cervical mucus forms are not to be recorded during the menstrual cycle. Rather, take notice of the bleeding.