Newspapers from Albania

Newspapers from Albania: Here is a list of the dominant free online newspapers, Magazines, news websites, online television and radio channels from Albania having access to the current news on local and international affairs.
o        A1 Report
o        24 Ore

o        Alb News
a daily newspaper on showbiz, life style, sports, health and daily news

o        Abc News
Daily newspaper having political and crimes news 

o        Albania News (in italian)
Italian News website on culture, tourism, sports, food and different events
o        Alb Press
News, business and finance

o        Albanian Daily News (ADN)
The most authoritative Albanian source of news on all major topics in English language

o        Albanian Daily News

o        Albanian Screen

o        Albanian Radio and TV (RTSh)
Online TV and radio website in Albanian language 
o        Albeu

o        Albanian Telegraphic Agency (ATA)
       in Albanian language

o        Ata

o        Ama


o        Balkan Web

o        Channel One

o        Bota

o        DITA (Tirana)

o        Dita

o        Ekspres

o        Durres Lajm

o        Gazeta 55

o        Gazata Express

o        Government News

o        Gazeta Sot

o        Ikub

o        Idea

o        Klan

o        Java

o        Kombetare

o        Koha Jone

o        Kritika

o        Korrieri

o        Lajme Shgip

o        Lajme

o        Lajmi i Fundit

o        Lajme Sport

o        Mapo

o        Monitor

o        Metropol

o        NYT Albania

o        Noa

o        Panorama

o        Ora News

o        Revista Klan

o        Panorama Sport

o        Rilindja Demokratike (RD)

o        Rilindja Demokratike

o        Shekulli

o        Rtsh

o        Shqip

o        Shkodra Press

o        Shqiptarja

o        Shqiperia

o        Sport Ekspres

o        SOT

o        Standard

o        Sporti Shqiptar

o        Super Sport

o        Start

o        Tema

o        Telegraf

o        Tirana Observer

o        Tir Fax

o        Top Channel

o        Tirana Times

o        Vizion Plus

o        TV Klan

o        Zeri i Popullit